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The Mission

At Imperfect, we are committed to creating clothing that represents the beauty of individuality and the power of self-acceptance. We are dedicated to raising awareness for mental health and encouraging individuals to prioritize their mental well-being. We are passionate about empowering others to break free from societal expectations and to embrace their unique imperfections. We strive to create a community that supports and uplifts one another, where every person feels seen, heard, and valued.

Furthermore, we pledge to actively support mental health organizations by generously donating a portion of our profits to their efforts in providing education, support, and advocacy for those affected by mental illness

Learn about N.A.M.I.

Why "Imperfect?"

What Does Imperfect Mean?

Having flaws, making mistakes, and possessing qualities or characteristics that deviate from an ideal standard. Imperfection is a fundamental aspect of human nature and encompasses a wide range of attributes, such as physical appearances, personality traits, abilities, and actions

The Beauty of Imperfection

Embracing imperfection involves recognizing and accepting our flaws and limitations, understanding that they contribute to our uniqueness and humanity. It means appreciating that growth and improvement often arise from acknowledging and learning from our imperfections.

Why we Chose the Name

Authenticity, is the word. Embrace who YOU are. Do what YOU want to do in this beautiful life. Be who YOU want to be. Being Imperfect celebrates individuality, self-expression, resilience and authenticity. It emphasizes the value of growth, learning, and the uniqueness of individual experiences.

How Does Imperfect tie to Mental Health Awareness?

Acceptance and Self-Compassion: Embracing imperfections and diversity promotes self-compassion, which is crucial for mental health. Recognizing that it's okay to have flaws and make mistakes reduces self-criticism and fosters a healthier self-image.

Our Story

A message from our founder:

Hey everybody! My name is Harrison Wells and I am the founder of Imperfect. In April of 2019, at 16 years old in High School, I launched t-shirts for the first time with a little message about getting out of your comfort zone. I had an online company print a few dozen of the shirts for me to sell to my friends and family and I look back and realize how crazy I was for not creating a website while also hand-taking and hand-delivering all the orders myself! Progressing towards October of 2019, I wanted to produce a new design on a different clothing product. The message was "Appreciate the Moment" and it was screen-printed on hoodies and crewnecks. It was the same system as the t-shirts: Hand-delivering with no website, but a few dozen more were printed compared to the shirts. I sold about 100 products and it was the absolute best feeling in the world. Walking around school, seeing people wearing MY ideas was just the coolest thing ever at the time. I remember telling myself that if I really want to continue with this I NEED a website and delivery system in play. Moving forward one whole year later (October 2020) was when I decided to go all in and dedicate most of my time to building a serious business. I’m 22 years old now but at the time I was still in high school (18 years old) and I hated school, like a lot. I loved my friends but school and the modern education system was a no for me. I decided to create a legit clothing brand that would produce a bunch of designs and different clothing items such as hoodies, crewnecks, tees and shorts while also supporting a strong message. I got right in gear, laptop and phone in my hands at all times, constantly researching and studying the clothing industry. THERE WERE SO MANY OBSTACLES/CHALLENGES/WALLS I RAN INTO. For anybody wanting to start a business I want to let you know that it is not easy, BUT if you put the work in and discipline yourself, you have a way better chance at starting and growing a healthy business. I knew it was not going to be easy and I learned that very quickly. Soon came February 2021 where I decided to name the brand "IMPERFECT." I still have the list of all the brand names I wrote down trying to pick one that fits best with my message. I wanted the brand name to have a message related to mental health, just like the clothing I created in the past. I thought "IMPERFECT" fit "perfectly". Lol haha funny Harrison.

One of my biggest goals for the brand was to support mental health awareness as much as possible; through my designs, the name, social media and more. When you wear my clothing I want you to know it is completely okay to be different. Why be like everybody else when you can be YOU. Embrace the Imperfect, praise the unique. Live life with purpose and push yourself every day towards achieving your goals. And DO NOT let anybody's opinions/expectations/guidelines determine how you should live YOUR life. Do what makes YOU happy! You control your life; you are the leader, not a follower. Re-read that my friend. 

I'd like to talk about Mental Health real quick. You can not live an enjoyable life if your mental health is unstable. Please please please remember to check in on yourself daily before worrying about anything else to come. Working on your mental health should always be your number one priority. I'm serious, make it your number one priority. Also, make sure to check on your friends and family a lot as well. If you want to read more about ways to improve your mental health and basically anything mental health related, visit our page here. 

Back to the story… So I was never perfect and I will never be perfect, same goes for you, but remember that is a good thing. I struggled with serious anxiety and depression several times in my past and it was the biggest challenge I had to face. I recently have also been struggling with new health issues that are affecting my lifestyle daily such as POTS, though I will never let that stop me from chasing my dreams and growing this brand. Anxiety and depression are no joke and experiencing both is what really pushed me to have the brand’s main focus be supporting mental health awareness. If you are struggling with any mental health related condition(s), please visit our hotline page here. Remember that you are loved and you are here for a reason. It may take time to find that reason but you can do it. Find that reason and slowly grow into the best possible version of yourself. 

The brand is now live and fully revamped (June 2024) and after many months of stress, hard work, and research, I am beyond excited for everyone to see what I have been working on. I hope you like the brand :)

Thanks for being imperfect. Thanks for being you.

-Harrison Wells